历史专业英国大学排名 英国有哪些好的学校可以留学历史学

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今天,小编为大家带来了历史专业英国大学排名 英国有哪些好的学校可以留学历史学,希望能帮助到广大考生和家长,一起来看看吧!



Litt。 and M。

Phil。 in Ancient History; M。

Litt。 and M。

Phil。 in Central and Eastern European Studies, Environmental History; M。

Litt。 in Historical Research; M。

Litt。and M。

Phil。 in Medieval Hisotry; M。

Litt。Middle Eastern History; M。

Litt。 in Modern Historiography; M。

Litt。 in Modern History; MLitt in Reformation Studies, Stottish History etc。

约克大学York University。 英国综合排名11的大学。

在英国历史专业排名前10的大学中,York 大学的历史专业硕士课程是授课式课程最多最全面的,尤其是中世纪历史方面的课程。 如果想只拿到硕士学位就工作而不是想继续做研究的话,最好选择这个学校。

授课式的硕士课程有 MA/MPhil History Research, MA Historical Research, MA History and Politics-Popular Movements, MA Local History, MA Medieval History, MA Medieval Studies, MA Modern History, MA Railway studies, MA Representations and Contexts(1750-1850) 等; 研究式的课程有研究方向有 Ancient History, Medieval History, Early Modern and Later Modern British History, Early Modern and Modern European History, American History, Latin American and Caribbean History 等。 伦敦大学学院UCL。

University College London。 是英国伦敦大学下属的20多所学院中最为著名的学院之一, 位于伦敦市中心。

英国综合排名前10,也是很多国际学生向往的学校。 MA in Ancient History, MA in Medieval Studies, MA in Modern History, MA in European History, MA in Dutch Golden Age etc。

都是非常不错的专业。 布里斯托大学 Bristol University。


Bristol是一所实力很强的综合性大学,在文学,传媒,经管,IT等教学和科研领域都享有盛誉。 历史课程包含在Arts Faculty,主要的课程有 MA Ancient History and Historiography, MA Contemporary History, MA Medieval Studies 以及MA Medieval and Modern History等等。

格拉斯哥大学Glasgow University。 Glasgow University是英国在许多学科领域科研和教学实力很强的综合性大学,也是英国最古老6所大学(Oxbridge, St Andrews, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow) 之一。

Glasgow大学的历史系特色在于不仅专业全面,而且多偏重理科性质。 授课式的课程有: M。

Litt in History; M。 Litt in History with an Emphasis on History of Medicine; MSc in History( Social Science); M。

Litt in Medieval Scottish Studies; M。 Litt in American History; M。

Litt in Scottish History; M。 Litt in War studies; MSc in Contemporary Economic History; MSc in History and puting; MSc in Social Science。

历史专业的研究式和博士课程也很多,不再赘述。 Glasgow University 位于苏格兰,英国第三大城市Glasgow。

苏格兰地区其实是英国教育水平最高的地区,这一点从苏格兰地区大学之多和大学历史之古老可以看出来,其教育体制与英格兰和威尔士都不太一样,有自己的独特之处。 值得强调的是,2012年开始,格拉斯哥大学苏格兰历史系启动了名为“跨越大陆分水岭”(Bridging the Continental Divide)的项目,负责翻译、扫描苏格兰文艺复兴时期拉丁语诗歌选集《苏格兰诗集:荣光时代》(DelitiaePoetarumScotorum:hujusaeviillustrium)中的部分章节,并将建立网站,在线呈现拉丁诗文及相关翻译。

此外,公众朗读会也将在苏格兰各个地区举行,力求在普及学术研究成果的同时让大众接触、了解到这本苏格兰文学巨著。据悉,英国艺术人文研究委员会(Arts and Humanities Research Council)为该项目注资40余万英镑。

在欧洲,拉丁语与特定的宗教神权、世俗政权交融在一起。 对此,格拉斯哥大学苏格兰历史系学者解释道,“17世纪,拉丁语在苏格兰应用较为普遍;到了18世纪,拉丁语使用范围虽有所缩小,但其仍被苏格兰学术界及精英阶层广泛使用。

除了频繁出现在法律公文及高校讲堂中,拉丁语以其特有的古典韵味及其蕴涵的宗教意义也吸引不同宗教、政治背景的作者使用拉丁语创作文学作品,这与后宗教改革时代(post-Reformation era)的新教教义形成了强烈的反差。 此外,探索这本诗集在宗教信仰单一的苏格兰社会诞生的原因也是各界开展研究的方向。”


然而,该书却如同“迷失了的大陆”(lost continent),长久被人遗忘。对此,该项目负责人、格拉斯哥大学苏格兰历史系讲师史蒂芬雷德(Steven Reid)博士表示,正如项目名称所指,这次翻译《苏格兰诗集:荣光时代》一书或许可以桥接这片大陆,为今人提供一个重新认识17D18世纪苏格兰社会文化的窗口,特别是加强今人对苏格兰拉丁文学作品的关注。

Leicester University。 英国综合排名前20的大学,强项在生命科学,经社,商科,传媒。


圣安德鲁斯大学St. Andrews University. 全英综合排名第4的大学。

很多人认为这个学校是因为威廉王子亲驾而名气大增的,其实这个学校历来就是英国人心中除了Oxbridge之外最神圣的学校之一, 建于1413年。St Andrews University位于苏格兰东部的海边袖珍城市St Andrew。















Council)中国区的高层也表示,英国一年制硕士不被承认的说法,是不真实的。因为中英两国 *** ,签订过两国教育学位互认协议。中国不可能会单方面违背协议,做出影响两国文化教育交流的行为。









《世界史》六卷本,齐世荣 、吴于廑主编



More than learning and analysing our past, history students develop important skills that make them highly employable. At the end of their degrees, they can either go on to further study, or enter professional life. Today’s history students have more freedoms than ever regarding their careers, as their analytical skills and ability to think critically are sought by numerous businesses. While many believe the logical pathway of a history student leads to a career in teaching, heritage, culture, and archives, history students have great opportunities in other fields, such as law, journalism, publishing, investment banking, and the Civil Service.

This top 10 is based on the Complete University Guide 2015 league table for history.

1. University of Cambridge

Average entry standard: 563 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 80 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

Since 1209, Cambridge's legacy of outstanding teaching and research excellence has made it the best university to study history in the UK. Indeed, in recent years, it reached the first position for well-structured courses, as well as tuition in small classes. In the first two years, students must choose a module on a period of British political history, and combine it with another course from a diverse range of topics. The third year allows students to focus more on the History of Political thought. The campus and the city itself have one of the loveliest and most peaceful atmospheres in Europe, making it a highly student friendly area.

2. Durham University

Average entry standard: 551 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 82 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

In addition to being England’s third oldest university after Oxford and Cambridge, Durham has the highest student satisfaction in this top 10, coupled with the highest percentage of graduates directly entering professional life. History students must choose at least one Mediaeval, one Early Modern and two Late Modern modules in first year, leading them to master all phases. Applying for this degree requires a A*AA at A-level.

3. University of St Andrews

Average entry standard: 520 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 74 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

St Andrews is famous for its original and very specific structure of degrees, which are based on students' choice of subject specialism. The range is incredibly broad: degrees in Ancient, Mediaeval, Modern, Scottish, or Arabic History are proposed. Most of the time, they are coupled with other programmes, such as Modern languages, Anthropology, or even Biblical studies. Students may spend one of their honours years in Cairo, New Jersey, or Oslo, among others.

4. University of Oxford

Average entry standard: 545 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 75 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world, and its history faculty is at the forefront of research. In addition to British and European history modules, Oxford offers an incredibly broad geographical dimension: options on North American, Latin American, Asian and African History are available. In addition, students are encouraged to work through an interdisciplinary approach. For instance, the study of texts in foreign language from Herodotus, Tocqueville or Machiavelli, as well as quantification in history, are proposed, along with more traditional courses.

5. University of Warwick

Average entry standard: 481 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 78 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

The University of Warwick has been in the top 10 universities in the UK for history for eight years. History can be combined to another field of study: students may choose between politics, sociology, or philosophy. This combination allows students to broaden their historical knowledge under a new approach, thus increasing their career opportunities.

6. University of Exeter

Average entry standard: 474 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 76 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

The University of Exeter has three campuses, two in Exeter, Devon and one at Penryn, Cornwall. History is offered at both Streatham (Exeter) and Penryn. The programme at Streatham covers the Medieval period to the 21st century with specialisms in medical, imperial and military history to name but a few. The Penryn programme concentrates on public, local and modern history with the opportunity for work experience. All students are encouraged to get involved in extra-curricular activities and sport. Last year the University came 6th out of 153 institutions in the overall BUCS rankings (British Universities and Colleges Sport 2013/2014).

7. London School of Economics

Average entry standard: 484 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 75 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

While LSE is well-renowned for its social science and economics programmes, its history degree is increasingly attractive. Its strength lies in the diversity of its angles of study, as it aims to cover a great span of history while studying each period under a specific light. For instance, the first year includes a course on War and Society from c. 1500-1815 (focussing on Europe), whereas the 20th century course focuses on the extra-European world. Other viewpoints include Economic History and International Relations, and for those who are specifically interested in the latter, LSE offers degrees specifically dedicated to these areas.

8. University of York

Average entry standard: 488 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 72 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

York has been a leading university for history for almost 10 years, and its score in student satisfaction remains among the highest in the UK. Studying at the University of York may be tempting for those attracted by the thought of small cities with a historic presence. Indeed, its reputation as one of Europe’s most beautiful cities stems from its attractive architecture. History students are invited to do a year abroad in America, Asia or Europe, to see how history is practised in other cultures, while developing language skills.

9. University College London

Average entry standard: 504 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 71 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

UCL’s history department offers a variety of interesting degrees including Ancient History, Ancient World, or even Ancient History and Egyptology. However, if looking for something less specific, one can simply take history. UCL’s excellence also lies within its primary source material, as students have access to the British Museum and the British Library, which are within walking distance. Eventually, some students may choose to spend their third year abroad at an institution in North or South America, or Ireland.

10. University of Bristol

Average entry standard: 490 Ucas points

Graduate prospects: 77 per cent go on to graduate employment or further study

In recent years, the University of Bristol has been climbing the ranking for best history degrees in the UK, as it left its 15th position in 2008 to become 10th in 2015. Bristol’s goal is to teach its students to be able to conduct independent original research. This is achieved through the great variety of topics that are on offer: students may choose any module ranging from Christianity and Islam in Medieval Europe to Colonialism in South-East Asia, or from the South African War to the American West.













































Vice Chancellor's奖学金:本科生三年或研究生一年的学费折扣为5000英镑。

Equal Access 奖学金: 10660英镑的维护费加上全额学费,提供给目前在英国寻求庇护的海外收费学生。


约克商学院的企业团队提供建议和商业计划课程,致力于帮助学生实现商业计划。约克奖奖励学生参与社会活动、志愿活动、活动和实习,展示学生的积极态度。约克优势项目(York strength program)帮助学生认识到顶尖雇主所认为的优秀毕业生员工的优势。提供免费的语言课程,对选择出国学习或工作的学生特别有用。



以上就是历史专业英国大学排名 英国有哪些好的学校可以留学历史学相关内容,想要了解更多信息,敬请查阅。
